School yard design for Lenkey János Primary School in Eger
“there is a learning that never encounters knowing—and that is infinite.”
Pascal Quignard

Outdoor space designed to help learning while moving the body and the mind just as the Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle taught his students in his peripatetic school.

The headmaster’s requests were to include a football field, a five-lane running track and a hopscotch, as well as to leave room for other yet-to-be invented field games.

The layout of the field is build on a dotted grid system. All  games are embedded within.

We came up with an idea of a hare-and-hounds alternative. We randomly placed five labyrinths on the dotted grid and spread some capital letters around–than divided the kids into two groups. Each group must complete one labyrinth including the most letters possible – then the opposing group shall put a player on each letters – all within a time frame. The winner has the most players standing in the other group’s labyrinth. There are countless ways to complete them but the first goal is always to include the most letters possible.

As for the typeface we picked Sandrine Nugue’s Infini. It is special in many ways. First of all the drawing inspiration of Infini comes from a model popular between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC – 
it is exactly Aristotle’s time. Secondly it includes a set of uppercase letters designed to function pictograms* as well which broadens the possibilities for teaching different subjects such as French, English, Visual Arts etc… Thirdly it is easily applicable as stencils.

The centre circle of the football field consists of all the 44 lowercase letters from the Hungarian alphabet – stacking the short and long vowels on top of each other breaks the monotonous rhythm 
of the single-line painting.

How wonderfully the peripatetic school of the ancient Greeks is connected to our 21st century present through a simple asphalt painting...

This project was entirely pro bono work by all participants.
*French nouns that begin in each case with the corresponding letter.

Csaba Bíró | Lenkey János Általános Iskola, Eger

Aliz Borsa & Dénes Fajcsák

Infini (Sandrine Nugue/CNAP)


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